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The End of University Education – The Rise of Self Education (A Window into The Modern World)

The greatest disservice to the human psyche is not starvation of the mind, but a complete overhaul of the thinking faculty of the people by some documented academic principles in our various schools. – Anti self education


This letter is to expose you to YOU…


But before we delve deeper….



Good News:

4 Hour Daily Digital Writing Mastery is set to be launched to the public on the 1st of November, 2024.


Click here to join the waiting list >>> JOIN NOW… 



Now let’s go…


The culture in schools has preconditioned people to believe life is best lived by fitting into some set up that society glorifies as the normal way of life – Become that great guy in the lab coat (Doctor), surmount your shallow mind by the thickness of the wig and warmth of the robe as a lawyer, or completely bury the potential of your thought patterns by the hard hats under the sun as an Engineer…


While all of that among other professions are the calling of some, many people were forced to justify their essence by plugging themselves into them without figuring their strength and being in tune with their innate capacities…


I call that “Mental Prison”.


Mental Prison - The End of University Education - The Rise of Self Education - King Hackosam Letter


Mental Prison is when you are stuck in the midst of options pre-programmed into your psyche by how you have been told to live, react, or accept things because of the experience of others who couldn’t see or experience life from different angles.


Reasons we have quacks in all “professional feeds”


  • Quacks either because they failed the test of reality(World outside school)
  • Or their own peculiarities were ignorantly neglected by the system in their learning curves.


Keep this in a corner of your heart as we flow through this letter:


This is not a fight between University Education and Street Education, but rather a juxtaposition of the two and their importance in human life.


I’m glad I am a product of the two – I went to school, but a street raised.


Curious about my story… Let me share one.


I was dull in my primary schools hoping it would change when I get to high school, but the demand for intelligence by the secondary education became so tasking that as I was trying to catch up additional problems kept keeping me below my peers:


  • I could not say a sentence as simple as “I want to ease myself” in English until I got to the 4th year in my secondary school
  • I always ended up bailing myself out of vernacular prohibition cases with my feeding money.
  • The loudest boy in my neighbourhood was completely put under the test of supposed “Academic Principles”.
  • In all of that shenanigans, I was still able to have my name on the lips of everybody, including my teachers, because I was the antidote to the boredom of other students –I made them laugh and got punished at every given time. My only winning weapon to get along with my peers.
  • I had a name that became so popular that students who came to the school after us became aware of a “god in a small boy” bearing such a mighty name – This is indeed an anchor into a nostalgic moment for my mates who come across this letter.


Don’t let me flog that part of me too much. Let’s get into the point of this letter.


I was so dull that I couldn’t talk to a girl, not because of my bad English, but because I couldn’t communicate in English at all.


My parents saw me as a champion at home, but I was like a caged lion who couldn’t find his expression in the classroom.


I was judged several times because of my lack of confidence that resulted from my inability to speak English.


This made me question my essence every time I saw my mates confidently engaging themselves in debates or representing my school.


But in all of that, I neither failed a course nor had a reason to repeat a class.


I nurtured inner fear for a long time. I faced superficial rejections on many levels as a kid because some people did not get to know about my depth, and I was treated as a second-class citizen of my class, because some of my mates were not aware of my own peculiarities…

I was vindicated by my “Conditional Growth Percentiles” – This is my academic performance – It revealed that I happened to be one of the best students of my set. I was called upon to represent my class in one of the series of the weekly quiz competition where students used to converge on the assembly floor after years of terror.


How did that happen?

It was as a result of my endless love for personal studies away from school…


University Creates Robotic Humans–Street Education Reveals You To You:


The ancestral beliefs that were passed down to the baby boomers and early millennials put the society and a lot of them who did not understand the freedom that comes with learning from personal experiences under the threat of performance in the face of public demand.


Old age does not directly represent an embodiment of applicable and acceptable knowledge.


Many people before my generation outsourced their personal fight for freedom to the promises of the government that succeeded in crippling their thinking and limiting their growth and freedom.


The trend at the time was;

You are now born, listen to us, grow up, go to primary school, graduate and proceed to grade 2 then come out to join the workforce that the government is giving stipends till they are 60 and go back home to become useless.


The trend moved to, graduate from Grade 2, go to secondary schools, and you are fixed by the government till you are 60.


The trend moves up to finishing your secondary school, going to college, getting fixed by the government till you are 60.


The trend moves to finishing your college, proceeding to university for a degree, and remaining sorted until you are 60.


Now it is, finish your degree, go back for masters and get access to the dividends for life.


The trend goes on and on…


But is anybody’s freedom guaranteed by following the trend? Maybe or maybe not.


If everybody is following the trend, how then do we have visionaries, change makers and solution builders?


If everyone is running to please the government by adhering to the documented academic principles that have kept some eyes from seeing visions, some nostrils from perceiving ideas and some thinking faculty from connecting dots of problems, how do we break free from the wagon of small thinkers banking on what society promises as freedom?


The End of University Education - The Rise of Self Education - King Hackosam Letter


The smartest people in the world are people whose thoughts are not limited by the confinement of academics…


While university education is a window into how the world is run, street education is a ticket to understanding the science of the direction the world is taking per time.


If you are completely influenced by the theories that birthed colleges, you will end up being the smartest in the four walls of the university, while you proceed to the street and be looking for spaces to accommodate you and your smallness to implement what you were taught in the empires built by the street raised… 


People who are changing the world every second are not doing that from the lens of university education, but from the lens of their individual engagements and encounters with the struggles of life… Through their curiosity they unlock new experiences locked in the unknown, they break barriers of uncertainties, their creations serve as anchors into the unknown, and their day-to-day life experiences for people.


  • You were told to study hard
  • Get good grades
  • Get a high paying job
  • Work till you are tired (become weak)
  • Then retire


If that is your belief, you have been brainwashed by the stories of someone in your life who passed the test of academics – ticking all the boxes of school, but failed the test of self education which accumulates by different layers of individual experiences in life.


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The worst life to live is to be a slave in another man’s world, and there is a timestamp to how long you can wear the character you are assigned – When you become weak, you are out.


Redundancy should scare the hell out of you. And you should understand the difference between the life that was designed for you (confidently living in complacency) and the one you originate (that leads to freedom).


Autopilot (Handouts) Vs Mindful Awareness (Reality):


Busyness of life, what to eat, peer pressure, pressure from the family, what to wear, how to look, where to travel to, struggle for money, and many other demands of life that are superficial have preconditioned many individuals to be out of their consciousness forced to operate from the survival mode till their last day.


They fear to dream, they fear to dare, they fear to sacrifice (they only sacrifice their time for another man), they fear to build, they fear to create in their names because they are handed a certificate that qualifies them as perfect fit in another man’s world, they fear to champion a movement because they were told to become supports in the journey of others who dare to pioneer movements.


They tend to react to situations of life when they arise than being proactive based on their anticipations.


Handouts in universities (Autopilot Way of Learning) makes you:


  • Toss away your identity
  • You see things from another man’s lens
  • You say “YES” to everything
  • You put away your Ideas and wear another man’s thinking cap
  • Kills enthusiasm
  • Confines your scope of reasoning.


When you have subjected all your life to getting manuals before you do anything, you find it difficult to be creative in your creations, you become a replica of what has been killing our world instead of becoming a newness of what has been.


What has been the drive of the idea of prioritising university education has always been the push for survival. They think their survival is in the hands of an established government or a fully functioning empire. While that is true to a level, the dependence on the idea that you get fed by the number of hours you stay committed to building another man’s assignment has seen the death of many dreams even before their birth.


The university education is said to fulfil its purpose when the knowledge imparted on people unlocks curiosity for them to be more of themselves other than becoming robotic humans who live in the confinement of some theorists or lecturers…



 Mindful Awareness (The individual Realities):


After the pressure mounted on you by the university without your permission, you need to understand that to be relevant in the scope of life outside books, you need complete detoxification of your mind by unlearning what you have learnt, learn what is applicable from your personal experience and that of others you see living in a world familiar to the one in your head, and relearn what works…



  • Brings you to you
  • Enables you to disengage from the busyness of life
  • Propagates stillness of the mind (inner peace)
  • Simplifies the chaos of life
  • Connects you to the manual of the compass of life.


Human experience is best served by the measure of entropy in everyday life; How we age, how things are fast changing from what used to be celebrated to what is forgotten, how trends of time wear out and become a thing that never fit into the current experience of man and how orderliness of mind has gradually been compromised by everyday chaos of life.


In all of that, best education is served, not on the chalkboard of colleges.


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The best of you can only be revealed through university education, while the needed version of you in the world can only be birthed by everyday struggle through life. 


You keep figuring out while on the motion, not through the lens of a scholar.


Your world and the one around you need you and the best way to be relevant with your certificate is when you start creating, building something in your name, putting yourself to the test of reality outside pages of books, and failing fast to know what works…


Becoming Relevant Outside School


The first point of calling into the world you are not familiar with after school is to test the validity of your certificate by putting it out to test its acceptability…

The feedback you can get is entry level… Entry level because the system that works outside needs to refine your thinking and expose you to practicals…

In the banking sector, you get recruited as an intern, meaning your certificate has no place in the system of things, they reschool you thereby strengthening your “mental prison” by telling you what to believe as best practice, nullifying the ideas already placed in your head by the school system while presenting you new handouts.


That should scare the hell out of you…



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The guys that change the world start by breaking free from the “Mental Prison” they were unconsciously sentenced to by;



  • Studying the Thinking Patterns of Great Men that have lived (They read their works).
  • They unlearn what they used to believe (They wear their Reverse Thinking Cap).
  • They start connecting dots (They document their ideas through WRITING).
  • They start experimenting (They start building something in their name).


Again, school is a good place to start experiencing the world, but if your entire journey through it is subjected to what you are being told, it is only a matter of time, you will come out to become the next student of the world greater than the one on campus…


Just before I get out of your face today, see this again >>>>



Good News:

4 Hour Daily Digital Writing Mastery is set to be launched to the public on the 1st of November, 2024.


If you join the waiting list now, you get the presale offer, which comes with a huge discount and lifetime access to any of my writing tutorials…


Click here to join the waiting list >>>> Join Now


This is me signing out today. I hope this letter helps you…


Peace out.


– King Hackosam, SAA

King Hackosam Here,

I’m a Digital Platform Strategist for 6 to 7 figure brands, aspiring creators and both established and upcoming influencers…

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Join 100s of individuals experiencing mind-expanding insights every weekend as you dive into King Hackosam Letter (I write about Mastery of Talent, Modern Spirituality, Business and Simplicity of life).