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Social Media Noise: Save Your Life From Focus Destroyer With This Single Act

Social media Noise - King Hackosam Letter

Social media is a poison…

Before we dive deeper into that… Don’t miss out the news…


Good News:

4 Hour Daily Digital Writing Mastery is set to be launched to the public on the 1st of November, 2024, be here real news…

 This time around, it comes with:

  • Social Media Content Game Plan
  • Content Calendar Creation Blueprint
  • Copywriting Template
  • Newsletter Writing Template

Click here to join the waiting list >>> JOIN NOW… 

Social media has become more than a means of communication; it’s a tray where we weigh and define our successes based on the polished images, narratives, and lifestyles we consume online. 


We scroll through endless posts of celebration—someone starting their business, a marriage being restored, or a person overcoming a significant life challenge—and we subconsciously internalise these moments as the ultimate definitions of achievement. 


The issue is that we’re seeing only the celebration, not the journey, the struggle, or the moments of self-doubt that preceded those posts.


In this digital age, success has become something we interpret from others’ highlights, but in doing so, we often forget to define what success really means for ourselves. 


For those in the early stages of a career or creative venture, it might seem that breaking into a competitive field is “breaking heaven,” the ultimate achievement. But what about those who have failed, picked themselves up, and come back stronger? They too find reason to celebrate their resilience, sharing it online as if it’s a revelation of newfound strength.


Yet, we often fail to distinguish our paths from theirs. We consume their wins, and without realising it, we form our own definitions of success based on their stories, forgetting that we are all students of life, learning at every stage.

In this letter, I want to reveal to you how to step into your quiet creator’s power so you can be the orchestrator of your own peace in the midst of social media noise…


The Death of Genius through Uncontrollable Consumption:


Whether we’re silent or loud,
Comfortable or in discomfort,
At the height of joy or in the depth of despair…

…we are constantly learning. 


Every moment is a lesson, and yet, social media has made it easier to forget our own capacity for judgement. We become passive consumers of others’ curated experiences, enslaved to the constant stream of content that floods our feeds because they appeal to our altered sense of being present.


Our sense of individuality fades as we feed on these fragments of other people’s lives. We lose the ability to reflect on our own progress, to listen to our inner voice, and to recognize what is truly for us. 


Social Media Noise - King Hackosam, SAA
“The noise of the digital world becomes a barrier between ourselves and our authentic selves. We consume, we mimic, and we fall into the rabbit hole of comparison. – King Hackosam, SAA”


But when we shift from being passive consumers to active creators, something shifts inside us. We reconnect with the power of creation, tapping into the essence of who we truly are. 


We begin to recognize our potential—not in relation to others, but in relation to our own path. We start to discern the noise from the wisdom, the fleeting from the meaningful.


The Illusion of Perfection: The Lies That Kill on Social media


There’s a dangerous allure to social media. It shows us polished moments that suggest perfection. But life is far from perfect, and success is never a smooth, linear path. 


Behind every celebration, there are untold struggles, sacrifices, and moments of doubt.The more we feed on the content of others, the more we risk distorting our perception of reality.


We’ve all seen it: the business owner celebrating a successful launch, but what we don’t see is the sleepless nights, the anxiety, and the failures that came before that moment. The couple celebrating their restored marriage, but behind the scenes, they fought battles we know nothing about. The artist showcasing their masterpiece, yet we are oblivious to the hours of frustration, practice, and rejection that paved the way.


It’s easy to assume that success happens overnight when we see only the end result. But success—true, lasting success—requires a deep commitment to the process. It requires grit, determination, and, most importantly, an understanding that your journey is yours alone to embark on.


Reclaiming Your Narrative–Believing In Your Own Story

The most dangerous aspect of social media is its ability to pull us away from our own narrative. When we become too consumed by the lives of others, we lose sight of the richness of our own experience. 


We allow the definitions of success and happiness to be dictated by the digital world, rather than by our own inner compass.


But the truth is, the greatest moments of growth often happen when no one is watching. They happen in the quiet moments, in the struggles, in the failures. They happen when you step away from the noise, tune into your own voice, and reclaim your narrative.


You are not a passive observer in the story of your life. You are the creator. And to create, you must break free from the illusion of social media, from the trap of constant comparison, and from the temptation to measure your worth based on someone else’s highlights.


To break free, we need to detox—not just physically, but digitally. We need to step away from the noise, the pressure, and the false narratives that social media perpetuates. This doesn’t mean abandoning the digital world entirely, but it does mean reclaiming control over how you engage with it.


Start by setting boundaries. Determine when and how you consume content, and be mindful of what you allow into your mental space. Control your screen time. Make time for solitude, for moments of reflection, for creativity. 


Engage with content that uplifts you, challenges you to grow, and speaks to your truth, rather than content that feeds the comparison trap.


By creating space for yourself, you will begin to reconnect with your inner voice. You will start to see your own potential, not through the lens of others’ achievements, but through the lens of your own growth. You will learn to value the process, not just the outcome, and you will begin to define success on your own terms.


The Power of Becoming A Creator in This Digital Renaissance


Creating is an act of eating the frog, taking that bold step to be present in the orchestration of your own reality in a world that encourages consumption. 


Behind every celebration, there are untold struggles, sacrifices, and moments of doubt.The more we feed on the content of others, the more we risk distorting our perception of reality.


When you create—whether it’s writing, art, a business, or simply the act of being your authentic self—you step into your power. You reclaim your agency. You are way above 60% of others… 


As you start to create, you’ll discover something remarkable: the more you create, the less you care about what others are doing. 


You stop comparing yourself to the curated versions of life on social media and begin to embrace your own path. You stop seeking validation from others and start seeking fulfillment within yourself.


There’s a quiet power in creation. It doesn’t need to shout or seek attention. It exists in the simple act of bringing something new into the world, whether anyone sees it or not. And in that creation, you begin to discover your true potential.


Now that you are stepping into your creator’s mode, you need to embrace silence–It is a tool.


Because In the silence, we find our greatest lessons. 


It’s in the moments of stillness, away from the noise of social media, that we begin to see clearly. We reconnect with our purpose, our values, and our vision. 


We realise that success isn’t about how many likes we get, how many followers we have, or how much applause we receive. Success is about growth. It’s about progress. It’s about becoming the best version of ourselves, regardless of who is watching.


So I encourage you, as you read this letter, to take a moment of pause. Step away from the digital set up that you are not a part of its creation. Reflect on your own journey. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small they may seem. And remember, you are not defined by the highlights of others. You are defined by the depth of your own experience, by the lessons you’ve learned, and by the courage to keep moving forward.


Social media can be a tool for connection, But can also be an instrument of mass destruction to one’s focus if you continue to live like a peasant who is always looking out for what to consume on it.


So, as you continue your journey, remember this: you are more than a consumer. You are a creator. And the world needs your unique voice, your unique gifts, and your unique perspective. 


Don’t let the noise drown out your potential. Step into your power, create from your heart, and let your journey unfold on your terms.


Talk soon…


–King Hackosam, SAA


Good News:

4 Hour Daily Digital Writing Mastery is set to be launched to the public on the 1st of November, 2024.

This time around, it comes with:

  • Social Media Content Game Plan
  • Content Calendar Creation Blueprint
  • Copywriting Template
  • Newsletter Writing Template

Click here to join the waiting list >>> JOIN NOW… 

King Hackosam Here,

I’m a Digital Platform Strategist for 6 to 7 figure brands, aspiring creators and both established and upcoming influencers…

I help them simplify their content strategy, development and curation and hand them the workable blueprint for their marketing, visibility and sales in record time.

Digital Writing Mastery Art Featured Image - My Talent Business - King Hackosam

Learn Traffic Grabbing Writing, Build Your Brand, Sell Your Craft to The World, & Hack the Secret of Modern Content Creation That Puts You on The Spot for Influence, and Profit – (4 Hour Daily Digital Writing Mastery)

Learn to Create Life of Options from your Knowledge
Discover it. Master it. Earn More doing less.​

I dissect ideas about the new age of age of business, human potential, spirituality and practical knowledge of mastery a business of ONE.

Join 100s of individuals experiencing mind-expanding insights every weekend as you dive into King Hackosam Letter (I write about Mastery of Talent, Modern Spirituality, Business and Simplicity of life).